PAID INTERNSHIP: For Juvenile Book Collection
The Fishers Island library is looking for cataloguing help in the children’s room. If you love books and libraries, this might be the perfect part-time job for you!
The position would require a minimum 2-hour commitment on Tuesdays and Fridays during July and August. Hours might vary slightly over the summer. The successful candidate would be trained and managed by the librarian. Interview required.
Apply by July 4, 2019.
Wage: $20/hr.
Duties would include:
- Helping shelve any picture books. Keeping books in line and pulled out to edge of shelf.
- Keeping authors in alphabetical order by last name.
- Keeping titles within the author in alphabetical order.
- Repairing any small tears of the pages. Books with large tears give to the librarian.
- Keeping board books separate by putting them in their own bins.
- Pulling out any misfiled non-fiction to be properly shelved.
- If time, shelving the older juvenile fiction and correct order if necessary.