Ann Banks, Librarian
My name is Ann Banks and I’ve been the Fishers Island Librarian since 1976. When I started the library looked very different and my job was very different also. I began assisting patrons in finding books and then checking the books out. By 1986, when the book ordering became part of my job, I had a good idea who and what people wanted to read. Being a native islander, I had known many patrons for decades and knew their likes and dislikes. Growing up here, graduating in the first class from the present day school in 1973, and getting a social work degree from Mitchell College in New London, all prepared me for understanding that this building is more than just a library. It is a place to socialize, vent your bad days or just have a hot cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate before finding a good book, getting your email or doing some online research.
I most enjoy seeing the children getting excited about books or being awestruck by a great performer at an event. I never tire of hearing that the library was someone’s first stop off the ferry or that this is their favorite library!
I don’t plan to retire. I’ll just collapse at my desk.