Guidelines for Reopening of the Fishers Island Library
It is with great excitement that we announce the reopening of the library! We have been working within state guidelines to manage our opening with the highest regard to the safety of our staff and patrons. With that in mind, we will currently be allowing only limited access to our building but plan to reassess our protocols as we go through the summer. Please know, we will be cleaning and sanitizing our library several times a day. Take a moment to read these guidelines and call Ann if you have any questions at (631) 788-7362.
1. All patrons are asked to wear masks and maintain social distancing when in the library or the Madden Garden.
2. Patron access to the collection, computers and work areas will be limited to 15 minute increments.
3. Entrance to the building will be through the side door via the ramp. Exit through the front door.
4. We will be allowing up to six people in the building at a time. Ann Banks will monitor capacity and may ask patrons to line up on the outside ramp while awaiting entrance.
5. It will be possible to call Ann and reserve computer time.
6. We will still be offering curbside pick up. Give Ann a call and she will leave your materials out on the front porch.
1. All children must be with a parent or guardian
2. Children must wear a mask as appropriate
3. No more than two children per family at a time
4. Visits may last no more than 15 minutes
5. We are asking that the visit be limited to browsing and check out only. No story reading or playing.
We hope that folks will take advantage of our shady garden space for reading, playing and hanging out (all with social distance and safe practices in mind)