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BOOK CLUB APR 16: Shredded Sisters

Join us at the Library for our March Book Club!

Title: Shredded Sisters
Author: Betsy Lerner
Published: October 4, 2024
Book Club Date: Wednesday, March 19
Time: 5:30pm
Selected by: Abby McCall

Abby writes, “This is a debut novel by NY editor Betsy Lerner, who has written many nonfiction including about writing and several memoirs as well.. But her first foray into fiction is about a dysfunctional family where one sister steals the other’s thunder simply by being the “crazy one”. I’ve only heard good things from readers of this moving story; and novels about families, and how they interact as a whole, have always fascinated me. I’m reminded of the famous Tolstoy quote from Anna Karenina, “All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

Here’s what Goodreads has to say about it:
Spanning two decades, Shred Sisters is an intimate and bittersweet story exploring the fierce complexities of sisterhood, mental health, loss and love. If anything is true it’s what Amy learns on her road to self-acceptance: No one will love you or hurt you more than a sister.

Book Club books are chosen by various members and. Our group generally meets the 4th Wednesday of the month with a few exceptions. As we make our monthly choices, the library has or can get copies of all the books. You can also get them via LIBBY with your library card and on tape. Many are on Audible.

Best wishes,

How to become a Fishers Island Library Book Club member?
Contact Abby McCall or Ann Banks, or just come to a meeting, and you will be added to the contact list. Easy!

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