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Visit the Library to pick up your card and get a portal into Live-brary.

Live-brary gives you FREE access to:

  • E-books
  • E-magazines
  • Comic books
  • Audiobooks
  • Study and homework help
  • Job and career tools
  • Historic and local newspapers
  • Language learning
  • and much more!


How long can I check ebooks out for?

Ebooks check out for 7, 14 or 21 days. You can change your default checkout period.

How many items can I check out at a time?

You can have 7 items checked out at one time.

Are there late fees?

You will never receive late fees—the files automatically stop working at the end of their checkout period. You can simply delete them at or before the end of the checkout period.

What do I do if the ebook is unavailable?

Ebooks can only be checked out to one person at a time. Some items may be unavailable and you will need to place a hold on them.

Read with Libby

Thousands of ebooks and audiobooks are waiting for you in this easy-to use app for your phone or iPad.

Need Help?

Search or browse in-depth help articles and videos on how to use Live-brary’s OverDrive platforms.

Device Specific Instructions
OverDrive’s device profiles are designed to give you a snapshot of how popular devices can be used with Live-brary Free Downloads.

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