Tiny Tot Story Hour August 8th
Drop by this summer with your tot (ages 1-3) on Tuesdays @ 9:30 am for some casual playtime, stories and socializing.
Breaking News with Norah O’Donnell
Come meet the anchor and managing editor of the CBS Evening News, to discuss the biggest news happening around the world. Tuesday, August 1 @ 5:30pm
THE LEAFY TREE: Preserving Life and Family Stories 3 Day Writing Workshop
Join us each day from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon on JULY 28, 29, 30
VISITING AUTHOR JULY 25: Elizabeth Winthrop
Fishers author Elizabeth Winthrop will be speaking about her new book "Daughter of Spies: Wartime Secrets, Family Lies". Reception to Follow
Visiting Author August 6: Jane Pollack
Join us at 5:30 pm. Author Jane Pollack will discuss her new memoir "Too Much of Not Enough".
Book Group October 11: This Is How It Always Is
by Laurie Frankel
A novel about revelations, transformations, fairy tales, and family.
A novel about revelations, transformations, fairy tales, and family.
Book Group September 13: Red Notice
by Bill Browder
A financial caper, crime thriller, and political crusade. The story of one man taking on overpowering odds to change the world, and also the story of how, without intending to, he found meaning in his life.
A financial caper, crime thriller, and political crusade. The story of one man taking on overpowering odds to change the world, and also the story of how, without intending to, he found meaning in his life.
Children’s Story Hour Tuesday August 28
Regular Weekly Summer Story Hour Tuesdays at 4:30 pm
Author Amy Bloom August 28
A sensuous, captivating account of a forbidden affair between two women —Eleanor Roosevelt and “first friend” Lorena Hickok.
Hands On Drumming by Craig Norton August 21
Craig will lead a drumming circle for adults at 5:30. Come with an open mind and the desire for a positive physical and emotional experience.